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电影《本杰明·巴顿奇事》英文影评 The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

影萍 在 2009-05-11 23:13 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(7831)

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" is a splendidly made film based on a profoundly mistaken premise. It tells the story of a man who is old when he is born and an infant when he di… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 本杰明·巴顿奇事 The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button


admin 在 2012-06-06 22:03 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(5088)


犯人张竞民在押解途中反抗时,他们在车里听到了外面枪响,一共响了十五声,季洁报告了二点钟方向的枪声。大斌开车和季洁准备带人先行归队,韩丽在门口被张竞民吐了吐沫,季洁知道了沈耀… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 内地剧情 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 重案六组4 王茜 张潮 邢岷山 郭昊伦 肖聪 朱琳 孙熙 王莹


admin 在 2008-12-06 14:08 发表于 评论(1) 阅读(9925)

看了影片《颐和园》,因为它是禁片,想知道为什么被禁。虽然被众多观众和评论者推崇,但看了之后的感觉却很直接:一部没有太大价值的电影。在阐明它的价值之前,先简述一下这部影片的内容。故事发生的时代背景是壹镹捌镹哖中国这一特殊的历史时期,当年发生了重大… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 中国电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 中国电影

情系屋檐下 Life as a House review by ROGER EBERT

admin 在 2008-12-25 09:21 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(1364)

<P>'Life as a House'' has much heart and not enough brain, and to the degree that you can put your centers of higher intelligence on hold, it works as a tragicomic weeper. Because it is slick and classy and good to look at, and the actors are w… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 无

心灵点滴 Patch Adams review by ROGER EBERT

admin 在 2008-12-25 09:20 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(1788)

<P>"Patch Adams" made me want to spray the screen with Lysol. This movie is shameless. It's not merely a tearjerker. It extracts tears individually by liposuction, without anesthesia. It is allegedly based on the life of a real man named Patch … [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 无

北极的圣诞老人兄弟 Fred Claus review by SEAN O'CONNELL

admin 在 2008-12-25 09:04 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(1246)

<P>One scene will stay with me for the next six Christmases. Vince Vaughn, playing Santa Claus' dishonest brother Fred, attends a support group for second-banana siblings. Frank Stallone is there, sheepishly admitting that his faith in brother … [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 无

狙击电话亭 Phone Booth review by Andrew O'Hehir

admin 在 2008-12-25 04:42 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(1552)

<P>Starring Colin Farrell, Kiefer Sutherland, Forest Whitaker, Radha Mitchell, Katie Holmes</P> <P>I guess this won't matter to people who don't live in New York or who never go there, but the "Manhattan block" where most of "Phone Booth" is … [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 无

上海之吻 Shanghai Kiss review by Jack Patrick Rodgers

admin 在 2008-12-25 04:33 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(1527)

<P>Here’s a helpful piece of advice for any aspiring film critics out there: never search out information on the making of a movie before you’ve seen it. I signed up to review Shanghai Kiss simply because its plot description sounded interes… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 无

冰风暴 The Ice Storm review by James Berardinelli

admin 在 2008-12-25 04:28 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(1791)

<P>Perceptive is the best single word I can come up with to describe The Ice Storm, Ang Lee's near-masterpiece that deconstructs the American family. For, although the film is provocative, entertaining, and impeccably crafted, its greatest stre… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 无

勇敢的人 The Brave One review by Stephanie Zacharek

admin 在 2008-12-25 04:13 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(1398)

<P>In Neil Jordan's "The Brave One," Jodie Foster plays Erica Bain, a radio-show host who captures the sounds of New York and weaves them into observant, seductive narratives that celebrate her love for the city, in all its cranky, wonderful gl… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 无

妈妈咪呀 Mamma Mia review by Stephanie Zacharek

admin 在 2008-12-25 04:01 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(1637)

<P>Ah, summertime: That sunny, carefree three-month window during which, ideally, we're supposed to be having fun at the movies -- and if we're not, we need to be beaten into believing we're having it. I don't normally think of Meryl Streep as … [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 无

无忧无虑 Happy-Go-Lucky review by James Berardinelli

admin 在 2008-12-25 03:45 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(1428)

<P>Mike Leigh has often been referred to as a prince of misery. His films, grounded in working class reality, are often downbeat. It's hard to argue with their quality or authenticity, but one typically doesn't walk out of a Mike Leigh film wit… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 无

狙击电话亭 Phone Booth review by David Nusair

admin 在 2008-12-25 03:43 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(1847)

<P>Colin Farrell is one of the few up-and-coming actors who actually deserves all his success. Ever since his astounding leading-man debut in Tigerland, he's been cranking out one amazing performance after another. Phone Booth, in actuality, wa… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 无

乔丹传人 Like Mike review by Michael O'Sullivan

admin 在 2008-12-25 03:30 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(1779)

<P>FULL disclosure: I don't even follow basketball.</P> <P>I didn't view Michael Jordan's return to the game as the second coming of Jesus Christ, and I don't care what brand of shoe he wears. I also don't, as a rule, listen to rap music and,… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 无

美国版我的野蛮女友 My Sassy Girl review by David Nusair

admin 在 2008-12-25 03:20 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(1458)

Infused with as over-the-top and relentlessly quirky sensibility as one could possibly envision, My Sassy Girl quickly establishes itself as an uncommonly interminable romantic comedy that effectively squanders its relatively promising opening … [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 无


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