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《赛末点》影评: 点球人生

浅影 在 2009-02-19 23:44 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(2095)


似乎每届的世界杯,都会有一位悲情英雄沉重地跪地,任凭热泪浇灌足下的土地。是的,你确实应该后悔。改变一公分的角度,收起一牛顿的力气,迟后一秒钟的发动。电光火石间,一念之差都能把你带向南辕北辙的方… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 美国电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 赛末点 Match Point

英文剧本: 赛末点 Match Point

admin 在 2009-01-02 01:22 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(4408)

英文剧本:赛末点 Match Point

Match Point script
The man who said,"I'd rather be lucky than good,"
saw deeply into life.
People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck.
It's scary to think so much is out of one's contro… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影剧本 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 赛末点 Match Point

英文影评: 赛末点 Match Point review by ROGER EBERT

浅影 在 2008-12-29 23:08 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(2349)

One reason for the fascination of Woody Allen's"Match Point" is that each and every character is rotten. This is a thriller not about good versus evil, but about various species of evil engaged in a struggle for survival of the fittest-- or, as… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 赛末点 Match Point

英文影评: 赛末点 Match Point review by TIM KNIGHT

浅影 在 2008-12-29 23:07 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(2455)

A hit at the 2005 Cannes Film Festival, Woody Allen's Match Point arrives in theaters, hyped as the fallen critical darling's strongest film in years. Twenty years ago, when Allen was at his cinematic peak, such effusive praise would have carri… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 赛末点 Match Point

英文影评: 赛末点 Match Point review by Stephanie Zacharek

浅影 在 2008-12-29 23:05 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(2386)

"Match Point" is being heralded as a return to form for Woody Allen, which means anyone who doesn't like it is likely to be accused of not bowing low enough at the altar. And the picture is crisply made, at least for the first 45 minutes or so:… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 赛末点 Match Point

英文影评: 赛末点 Match Point review by James Berardinelli

浅影 在 2008-12-29 23:03 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(2778)

英文影评: 赛末点 Match Point review by James BerardinelliIn my review of Woody Allen's previous misfire, Melinda and Melinda, I wrote the following:"Lately, Allen's films have sunk into a state of heightened mediocrity- sporadically entertaining, but often disappointing, at least for those clinging t… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 赛末点 Match Point


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